Drakensberg Mountains
The Drakensberg mountains form part of the Maloti-Drakensberg World Heritage Site and have a stunning natural amphitheatre formation, these are the areas around them we visited
Whilst we were in South Africa we spent five nights split between different accommodation encompassing different areas around the Drakensberg mountains. The first night we stayed at Giants Castle an area famous for the nature reserve and the Bushman's cave Paintings. We followed this staying two nights at Thendele upper camp directly in front of the Drakensberg Amphitheatre and finally we stayed a couple of nights at the Glen Reenen Restcamp which is located at the back of the Drackensberg allowing us access to the Golden Gate Highlands National Park and also easy access to climb the infamous Drakensberg chin ladder route up onto the Drakensberg escarpment. We have broken the pages down to these four specific locations below.